下面是這次kindle的韌體更新的好處~ 不過大概只有這個讓PDF能更輕易的放大縮小的功能讓我動心不已,不然每次要讀pdf都非常的麻煩。很詭異的是這次的3G更新居然失效,只好乖乖的手動更新。更新方法是先去下載,用usb傳輸到根目錄,用menu移到experiment, 再按次menu就可以使用update your kindle更新了~
- Collections: Organize your books, audiobooks, and personal documents into one or more collections. Subscriptions such as newspapers, magazines, and blogs cannot currently be added to collections on Kindle.
- PDF Pan and Zoom: Zoom into PDFs and pan around to easily view small print and detailed tables or graphics.
- Password Protection: Password protect your Kindle when you're not using it.
- More Font Sizes & Improved Clarity: Enjoy two new larger font sizes and sharper fonts for an even more comfortable reading experience.
- Facebook & Twitter Posts: Share meaningful book passages with friends on Facebook and Twitter directly from your Kindle.
- Popular Highlights: See what the Kindle community thinks are the most interesting passages in the books you're reading.
到底消費者要的是哪一種電子閱讀器,這點,其實很難回答。只能說,沒有手上的kindle,我也會用NB看書,也可能會去買ipad,但是,人的消費預算應該是固定的,假如買了ipad, 就不會買天線出問題的 iphone 4~
順便一提,我最常使用的醫學藥物搜尋軟體,確實在ipad上很方便使用,在kindle就很遜~所以~我真的快要倒戈了~到時候標題就要改成,Duncan's ebook dervice sharing~