2021年7月11日 星期日


 Hi, I am Duncan, the founder, and CEO of Genius Holding company. Our company is focused on medical devices, audio tech, and AI algorithms. Today we would like to introduce our spirometer with the passive ultrasound technology, ezOxygen, CES Innovation awards, and the "Healthy Lung Smart App" what we do with AstraZeneca Taiwan. Spirometry is the essential medical procedure to determine lung function, especially in respiratory patients such as asthma and COPD. However, it is generally a hospital-based procedure because the spirometer is not popular in patients' homes. There are several problems cause the spirometer is not easy to promote as the blood pressure monitor or blood sugar monitor. The traditional spirometers are used turbine or pressure-resistant principles in the mechanical operation and caused calibration & inertia issues, and patients only perform monthly to check their lung function with the health professionals' help. If patients still do the lung function test monthly and at the hospital, the cross-infection risk of COVID-19, and the data would not be enough to help the physician to modify patients' medication. 

What we want to do is provide a total solution with the ultrasound intensity technology to solve the inertia problem, cost-effective, and more friendly and convenient for patients to perform lung function tests at home or in an emergency situation. 

The accuracy and resolution of spirometry improvement are such as to use the X-ray or MRI image in the body scan. You can see in the airflow per time graph, the curve is sharper than traditional spirometry, and find the significant change by the brocholiter response. The finding makes AI pharmacodymics is possible to determine the medication onset, duration, and dose-response, what we call a new way in personal respiratory medicine. 

Our innovative design is a mouthpiece embed with 3 Galton's whistle, receive the airflow rate and emit ultrasound signals. The electronic circuit board is a hi-resolution audio chip plus MEMs microphone, to record the ultrasound voice, calculate and recovery the lung function with the smartphone app and specified algorithm. The new technology provides the best accuracy than any other current spirometer, over ten thousand airflow rates per second without inertia effect. 

The Health Lung App is what we do with AstraZeneca Taiwan, to provide a great tool to hospitals and clinics. Although we only have the Chinese version now, it is very easy to translate to multiple languages. Patients can use the camera to take photos on their inhaler such as Symbicort, and the app will remind them of the right time, right dosage, and connect with ezOxygen to check their lung function. The health professionals could see their compliance with medication and lung function, even the interaction between patients' breathe status and weather conditions such as air pollution.  

To partner with AstraZeneca, we would use the resources such as the funding, ongoing clinical trial, and provide the advanced AI training results to reward the drug development. We already have the medical smartpad company iMotion to provide an easy sterilize pad in the hospital, and the Notebook famous company Asus would help us in "AI guiding stethoscope", the first stethoscope can automatic recoding the stethoscope location in app. We would like to mail you more detail and discuss the potentiality in the next future. 

Thanks for your attention, let's help asthma patient to keep their lung function with COVID-19.

2019年10月8日 星期二

General Wellness: Policy for Low Risk Devices Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff

Document issued on September 27, 2019. Document originally issued on July 29, 2016.

I. Introduction The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is issuing this guidance document to provide clarity to industry and FDA staff on the Center for Devices and Radiological Health’s (CDRH’s) compliance policy for low risk products that promote a healthy lifestyle (general wellness products).1 This guidance does not apply to products (e.g., drugs, biologics, dietary supplements, foods, or cosmetics) regulated by other FDA Centers or to combination products.2 Section 3060(a) of the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) amended section 520 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) on December 13, 2016, removing certain software functions, including those intended for maintaining or encouraging a healthy lifestyle that are unrelated to the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, prevention, or treatment of a disease or condition, from the definition of device in section 201(h) of the FD&C Act. Section 520(o)(1)(B) of the FD&C Act, states that software that is intended “for maintaining or encouraging a healthy lifestyle and is unrelated to the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, prevention, or treatment of a disease or condition” is not a device under section 201(h) of the FD&C Act.

This guidance clarifies FDA’s interpretation of this provision and its application to general wellness products. FDA's guidance documents, including this guidance, do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidance means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required. II. Policy on Low Risk General Wellness Products CDRH does not intend to examine low risk general wellness products to determine whether they are devices3 within the meaning of the FD&C Act or, if they are devices, whether they comply with the premarket review and post-market regulatory requirements for devices under the FD&C Act and implementing regulations, including, but not limited to: registration and listing and premarket notification requirements (21 CFR Part 807); labeling requirements (21 CFR Part 801 and 21 CFR 809.10); good manufacturing practice requirements as set forth in the Quality System regulation (21 CFR Part 820); and Medical Device Reporting (MDR) requirements (21 CFR Part 803). For purposes of this guidance, CDRH defines general wellness products as products that meet the following two factors: (1) are intended for only general wellness use, as defined in this guidance, and (2) present a low risk to the safety of users and other persons. General wellness products may include exercise equipment, audio recordings, video games, software programs4 and other products that are commonly, though not exclusively, available from retail establishments (including online retailers and distributors that offer software to be directly downloaded), when consistent with the two factors above.

CDRH regularly receives inquiries about whether particular products are devices as defined by the FD&C Act. There are instances where certain general wellness products, as discussed in this guidance, do not meet the definition of a device under section 201(h) of the FD&C Act and therefore are not subject to the FD&C Act’s regulatory requirements for devices. Additionally, section 520(o)(1)(B) of the FD&C Act excludes software functions that are intended for maintaining or encouraging a healthy lifestyle and are unrelated to the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, prevention, or treatment of a disease or condition from the definition of device in section 201(h) of the FD&C Act. 5 We have included examples of products below that meet the definition of general wellness products to help illustrate the concepts in the guidance. A product's inclusion under the general wellness policy in this guidance does not establish that it has been shown to be safe and/or effective for its intended use. III. General Wellness Products A general wellness product, for the purposes of this guidance, has (1) an intended use that relates to maintaining or encouraging a general state of health or a healthy activity, or (2) an intended use that relates the role of healthy lifestyle with helping to reduce the risk or impact of certain chronic diseases or conditions and where it is well understood and accepted that healthy lifestyle choices may play an important role in health outcomes for the disease or condition. If the product’s intended uses are not limited to the above general wellness intended uses, this guidance does not apply. The first category of general wellness intended uses involve claims about sustaining or offering general improvement to functions associated with a general state of health that do not make any reference to diseases or conditions. For the purposes of this guidance, this first category of general wellness claims relate to:
weight management, · physical fitness, including products intended for recreational use, · relaxation or stress management, · mental acuity, · self-esteem (e.g., devices with a cosmetic function that make claims related only to self-esteem), · sleep management, or · sexual function. The following are examples of this category of general wellness claims: · Claims to promote or maintain a healthy weight, encourage healthy eating, or assist with weight loss goals; · Claims to promote relaxation or manage stress; · Claims to increase, improve, or enhance the flow of qi “energy”; · Claims to improve mental acuity, instruction following, concentration, problemsolving, multitasking, resource management, decision-making, logic, pattern recognition, or eye-hand coordination;
Claims to enhance learning capacity; · Claims to promote physical fitness, such as to help log, track, or trend exercise activity, measure aerobic fitness, improve physical fitness, develop or improve endurance, strength or coordination, or improve energy (e.g., “fitness” or “activity” trackers); · Claims to promote sleep management, such as to track sleep trends; · Claims to promote self-esteem, such as to boost self-esteem; · Claims that address a specific body structure or function, such as to increase or improve muscle size or body tone, tone or firm the body or muscle, or enhance or improve sexual performance; · Claims to improve general mobility or to assist individuals who are mobility impaired in a recreational activity (e.g., sport wheelchairs, beach access wheelchairs); and · Claims to enhance an individual’s participation in recreational activities by monitoring the consequences of participating in such activities, such as to monitor heart rate or monitor frequency or impact of collisions.
The following are examples of claims that do not fall into this category of general wellness claims: · A claim that a product will treat or diagnose obesity; · A claim that a product will treat an eating disorder, such as anorexia; · A claim that a product helps treat an anxiety disorder; · A claim that a computer game will diagnose or treat autism; · A claim that a product will treat muscle atrophy or erectile dysfunction; and · A claim to restore a structure or function impaired due to a disease or condition, e.g., a claim that a prosthetic device enables amputees to walk.6 The second category of general wellness intended uses relate to sustaining or offering general improvement to functions associated with a general state of health while making reference to diseases or conditions. For the purposes of this guidance, this second category of general wellness claims is comprised of two subcategories: 1) intended uses to promote, track, and/or encourage choice(s), which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases or conditions; and 2) intended uses to promote, track, and/or encourage choice(s) which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help living well with certain chronic diseases or conditions. Both subcategories of disease-related general wellness claims should only be based on references where it is well understood that healthy lifestyle choices may reduce the risk or impact of a chronic disease or medical condition. That is, the claim that the healthy lifestyle choice(s) may play an important role in health outcomes should be generally accepted; such associations are described in peer-reviewed scientific publications or official statements made by healthcare professional organizations.7 Examples of chronic diseases for which a healthy lifestyle is associated with risk reduction or help in living well with that disease include heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. The following are examples of this category of disease-related general wellness claims: · Software Product U coaches breathing techniques and relaxation skills, which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help living well with migraine headaches. · Software Product V tracks and records your sleep, work and exercise routine which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help living well with anxiety. · Product W promotes making healthy lifestyle choices such as getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight, which may help living well with type 2 diabetes. · Product X promotes physical activity, which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure. · Software Product Y tracks your caloric intake and helps you manage a healthy eating plan to maintain a healthy weight and balanced diet. Healthy weight and balanced diet may help living well with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. · Product Z tracks activity sleep patterns and promotes healthy sleep habits, which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help reduce the risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
IV. Determining Risk for General Wellness Products CDRH’s general wellness policy applies only to general wellness products that are low risk.8 If the answer to any of the following questions is YES, the product is not low risk and is not covered by this guidance. 1) Is the product invasive9 ? 2) Is the product implanted? 3) Does the product involve an intervention or technology that may pose a risk to the safety of users and other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied, such as risks from lasers or radiation exposure? In assessing whether a product is low risk for purposes of this guidance, FDA recommends that you also consider whether CDRH actively regulates products of the same type as the product in question. For example, CDRH actively regulates external penile rigidity devices, which are devices intended to create or maintain sufficient penile rigidity for sexual intercourse, under 21 CFR 876.5020 as class II devices exempt from premarket notification with special controls. The special controls for these devices address risks to health that are associated with the use of these devices, including, without limitation, tissue injury, trauma or infection.10 Therefore, these types of devices would not be considered low risk general wellness products. The following are examples of products that would not be considered “low risk” as described in this guidance: · Sunlamp products promoted for tanning purposes, due to risks to a user’s safety from the ultraviolet radiation, including, without limitation, an increased risk of skin cancer.11 · Implants promoted for improved self-image or enhanced sexual function. Implants pose risks to users such as rupture or adverse reaction to implant materials and risks associated with the implantation procedure. · A laser product that claims to improve confidence in user’s appearance by rejuvenating the skin. Although the claims of rejuvenating the skin and improving confidence in user’s appearance are general wellness claims, laser technology presents risks of skin and eye burns. · A neurostimulation product that claims to improve memory, due to the risks to a user’s safety from electrical stimulation. · A product that claims to enhance a user’s athletic performance by providing suggestions based on the results of relative lactic acid testing, when the product uses venipuncture to obtain the blood samples needed for testing. Such a product is not low risk because it is invasive (e.g., obtains blood samples by piercing the skin) and also because the product involves an intervention that may pose a risk to the safety of the user and other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied (e.g., venipuncture may pose a risk of infection transmission).
V. Examples of General Wellness Products that Are Not Medical Devices and Examples of General Wellness Products that Are Medical Devices for which FDA Does Not Intend to Enforce Requirements
Illustrative Example 1: A software function plays music to “soothe and relax” an individual and to “manage stress.” Such a software function is not a device function. This software function has claims that relate only to relaxation or stress management, not to any disease or medical condition, and thus are general wellness claims. In addition, the technology to play music does not pose a risk to the safety of users and other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied. Therefore, this product meets both factors for a low risk general wellness product. Illustrative Example 2: A software function that solely monitors and records daily energy expenditure and cardiovascular workout activities to “allow awareness of one’s exercise activities to improve or maintain good cardiovascular health.” Such a software function is not a device function. This software function has a claim that relates to a specific organ only in the context of general health and does not refer to a disease or medical condition. In addition, although the monitoring or recording of exercise activities present risks (such as inaccuracy), when made in the absence of disease or medical condition claims, the technology does not pose a risk to the safety of users and other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied. Therefore, this product meets both factors for a low risk general wellness product. Illustrative Example 3: A software function monitors and records food consumption to “manage dietary activity for weight management and alert the user, healthcare provider, or family member of unhealthy dietary activity.” Such a software function is not a device function. This software function has a claim that relates to dietary choices and weight management, and thus is a general wellness claim. In addition, the technology for monitoring or recording food consumption does not pose a risk to the safety of users and other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied. Therefore, this product meets both factors for a low risk general wellness product. Illustrative Example 4: A software function that reminds users to keep exposed skin out of direct sunlight when the UV index is high, which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help reduce the risk of skin cancer.
This claim relates to tracking preventive measures which, as part of a healthy lifestyle, may help reduce the risk of a medical condition. The claim is for a healthy lifestyle choice and it is generally accepted that the choice may play an important role in health outcomes. Thus, it is a general wellness claim. In addition, the technology reminding users to keep exposed skin out of direct sunlight does not pose a risk to the safety of users and other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied. Therefore, this product meets both factors for a low risk general wellness product.
Illustrative Example 5: A portable product that is intended to monitor the pulse rate of users during exercise and hiking. This claim relates only to exercise and hiking and does not refer to a disease or medical condition. Thus, it is a general wellness claim. In addition, the technology for monitoring pulse rate does not pose a risk to the safety of users and other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied. Therefore, this product meets both factors for a low risk general wellness product. Illustrative Example 6: A product is intended to mechanically exfoliate the face, hands and feet to make the skin smoother and softer. The product cannot be used in a manner that penetrates or pierces the skin. This claim relates to self-esteem and does not refer to a specific disease or medical condition, and thus is a general wellness claim. In addition, the product is noninvasive as it does not penetrate the stratum corneum and the technology for exfoliating the face does not pose a risk to the safety of users and other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied. Therefore, this product meets both factors for a low risk general wellness product. Note: However, if the product is intended to exfoliate the skin in order to enhance the delivery of a topically applied product containing one or more active pharmaceutical ingredients through the stratum corneum, the product would be invasive. Therefore, the product would not be a low risk general wellness product. VI. Determining whether General Wellness Products are within Scope of the Guidance The following questions reflect the framework described in this guidance to determine whether general wellness products are within the scope of the guidance. Please note that these questions are intended to be addressed in the context of the full text of the guidance. A1. Does the product have an intended use that relates to maintaining or encouraging a general state of health or a healthy activity? Does the product only involve claims about sustaining or offering general improvement to functions associated with a general state of health that do not make any reference to diseases or conditions? Claims in this category include: weight management, physical fitness, relaxation or stress management, mental acuity, self-esteem, sleep management, or sexual function.
A2. Does the product have an intended use that relates the role of healthy lifestyle with helping to reduce the risk or impact of certain chronic diseases or conditions? (In answering this question, the following two questions must be considered together.) a) Does the product have an intended use that relates to sustaining or offering general improvement to functions associated with a general state of health while making reference to diseases or conditions, and where it is well understood and accepted that healthy lifestyle choices may play an important role in health outcomes for the disease or condition? AND b) Is the relation between healthy lifestyle and disease specifically expressed as “may help to reduce the risk of,” or “may help living well with,” a chronic disease or condition? A3. Is the product low risk? Is the product not invasive, and not implanted, and does not involve a technology that may pose a risk to the safety of users or other persons if specific regulatory controls are not applied, such as risks from lasers or radiation exposure? In answering this question, consider whether CDRH actively regulates products of the same type as the product in question. YES à Go to A3. Both questions A2(a) and A2(b) must be answered “Yes” in order to proceed to question A3. NO à Product is NOT a low risk general wellness product, and is outside the scope of this guidance. YES à The product is likely a general wellness product within the scope of this guidance, but the factors and examples in the guidance should be reviewed to confirm the status of the product. NO à Product is NOT a low risk general wellness product, and is outside the scope of this guidance

2010年7月29日 星期四

Kindle Software Update Version 2.5

Kindle 的軟體又更新了,雖然說目前很多人都快要改買ipad了,但是kindle總還是有很多的方便,像是非常省電,輕,簡單~。可是致命傷包括不能多媒體、缺少彩色等,也缺乏如同itune等線上商店的支援...

下面是這次kindle的韌體更新的好處~ 不過大概只有這個讓PDF能更輕易的放大縮小的功能讓我動心不已,不然每次要讀pdf都非常的麻煩。很詭異的是這次的3G更新居然失效,只好乖乖的手動更新。更新方法是先去下載,用usb傳輸到根目錄,用menu移到experiment, 再按次menu就可以使用update your kindle更新了~
  • Collections: Organize your books, audiobooks, and personal documents into one or more collections. Subscriptions such as newspapers, magazines, and blogs cannot currently be added to collections on Kindle.

  • PDF Pan and Zoom: Zoom into PDFs and pan around to easily view small print and detailed tables or graphics.

  • Password Protection: Password protect your Kindle when you're not using it.

  • More Font Sizes & Improved Clarity: Enjoy two new larger font sizes and sharper fonts for an even more comfortable reading experience.

  • Facebook & Twitter Posts: Share meaningful book passages with friends on Facebook and Twitter directly from your Kindle.

  • Popular Highlights: See what the Kindle community thinks are the most interesting passages in the books you're reading.

到底消費者要的是哪一種電子閱讀器,這點,其實很難回答。只能說,沒有手上的kindle,我也會用NB看書,也可能會去買ipad,但是,人的消費預算應該是固定的,假如買了ipad, 就不會買天線出問題的 iphone 4~


順便一提,我最常使用的醫學藥物搜尋軟體,確實在ipad上很方便使用,在kindle就很遜~所以~我真的快要倒戈了~到時候標題就要改成,Duncan's ebook dervice sharing~

2009年11月25日 星期三

Amazon Kindle 2大躍進~韌體更新,省電又讀PDF


首先談談Amazon,Amazon交出了Kindle PC版的軟體,可以讓大家用PC讀Kindle的電子書,下載的位置在這裡 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=kcp_pc_mkt_lnd?docId=1000426311) 同樣可以找到支援其他平台的Kindle閱讀器軟體。

另外,就是讓我迫不及待的要作的事,更新kindle的韌體(firmware),據說,可以增加2大功能,其一是省電(天啊! 目前我測示結果是電池全滿且不開或少開3G網卡時可以用到10天還不需要充電,且有70%左右的電力,新的韌體不知道可以擴增到哪一個地步??~);其二是支援PDF閱讀! Yes,Amazon你終於知道消費者的需求了,不要只給Kindle DX讀PDF的能力,早就知道你作的到只是捨不得。


3.重新開啟kindle,用Home功能進入到書目位置,然後選擇"Setting", "Update Your Kindle",接下來別動它就可以了,kindle會自動安裝及重開機。整各安裝過程大概不到5分鐘。

在測試過後發現,PDF的電子書失去了”語音”以及”字體放大”的兩大功能,取代的是”Screen Rotation”,上面有圖示可以協助使用者選擇PDF的呈現方式。


2009年11月2日 星期一


Free ebook download for your Kindle

下面介紹兩個主要的kindle ebook下載網站,為了確認哪個網站的好壞,我用了5個keyword(coffee, wine, drug, William Shakespeare, Twilight )去做搜尋,很明顯的是 第二個搜尋網站的結果大概都是第一個的2倍以上,不過大家可以放棄在上面找太專業或是新書,因為不可能會侵權的啦~

1. http://mnybks.net/index.wml
這個網站的好處是可以用 ISBN去做搜尋,而且提供多種電子書格式可以下載,包括 JAR, PRC, PDB, 和RTF等格式。

2. http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
這個網站主要提供TXT格式的可以線上閱讀,而支援的格式更多,包括HTML, 和前ㄧ個搜尋同樣的多的格式,且支援P2P下載的方式~(我是從這個文章中找到的,其中還有介紹很多其他可以下載免費電子書的網站,不過書下載載多還是拿來念比較重要,就讓我留點時間念書,不要花時間在找ㄧ堆沒空上的網站http://thekindlewarehouse.com/free-kindle-ebooks/)
我個人最欣賞的是這個網站有 Top 100的連結可以讓我想想看要下載甚麼書,包括書名和最受歡迎的作者,有昨日和過去7天,和過去30天的結果~



2009年11月1日 星期日

Kindle 電子書支援格式 & 電子書轉換軟體

Kindle 電子書支援格式 & 電子書轉換軟體

透過USB和電腦安裝kindle的電子書非常簡單,只要接好USB連接線可以直接在檔案總管中看到ㄧ個資料夾是kindle,把電子書copy到 “documents”資料夾就可以了。

要幫kindle安裝電子書當然得注意其支援的檔案格式,最主要的是附檔名為 AWZ的 Amazon電子書格式,其次包括 TXT, PRC等格式,這些革是可以直接copy到電子書的資料夾中。至於常用的PDF只有Kindle DX有支援,要在kindle 2上閱讀PDF電子書還是得先轉檔。

常用的kindle轉檔格式有兩種:1. Mobipocket Creator (http://www.mobipocket.com/en/downloadSoft/ProductDetailsCreator.asp ); 2. Stanza(http://www.lexcycle.com/ )。

Stanza有支援Apple 的iphone, ipod和桌上型PC(Desktop)兩種,其中PC版就是可以使用來為PDF檔案進行轉檔。
轉檔的方式非常簡單,開啟PDF後(需要等些時間),使用檔案(or files, 本軟體支援部分中文),”Export Books as” 然後選擇”Amazon Kindle”就可以了。

kindle判別電子書的方式不是利用檔案名稱,所以需要在Stanza中先進行編輯,否則在kindle中會出現亂碼。編輯書籍資訊是位在”檢視”然後選擇”Book Information”就可以進行編輯,編輯完成後當然得記得存檔才能夠讓kindle判讀這些資訊。

目前kindle不支援中文,所以假如要閱讀中文電子書需要將其轉存成圖片。這樣的程序需要兼顧kindle的解析度(kindle 2, 6吋600*800;Kindle DX,9吋1024*824)及顏色(16位階黑白),過大的圖片會造成檔案太大解析度也不足,相關的中文電子書轉檔及圖片等會在未來的kindle 圖形轉檔軟體中做說明。


Amamzon Kindle的書籍下載與版權

Amamzon Kindle的書籍下載與版權

下載書籍到kindle是一件非常重要的事情,因為裡面只有預載購買者的基本資訊(Welcome XXX)和使用說明書(Kindle User’s Guidelin, 1st Ed.)。在網路上很多人留傳說假如要下載kindle最好是把使用者的資訊留成美國的用戶,特別是住址,這樣可以下載很多的免費書籍,但是真的是最好的嗎?

Kindle 有兩種安裝書籍的方式,其一是透過3G網路下載,其二是透過電腦下載。在3G網路下載部分,不論使用者下載哪一種書籍,只要不在美國境內,都會被Amazon發現(我以為,只要開啟3G網路卡功能,Amazon就會有機會取得使用者的位址),加收部分的網路費用,而且假如是部分Amazon只有取得美國版權的書籍,Amazon將會收較高的費用或是不提供網路下載。

當kindle被發現是國外用戶時,Amazon會發一份資訊給使用者(Important Reminder About International Delivery Fees),前面會先說明使用者可以在旅行全球超過100個國家透過3G網路在60秒內取得電子書或是其他Amazon提供的資訊,但是,要額外收費。

費用部分,電子書或是單次報紙、雜誌,每次1.99 USD;週期性取得的資訊如每日報紙則是收費4.99 USD;假如是已經購買的書籍或個人資訊從Amazon傳回kindle是每megabyte 0.99 USD(Mb),但是在美國這些是不收費的。


當使用者把Amazon的帳戶在Digital Content下面設定 Manager Your Kindle,把Your country設定為 United States,確實是可以使用網路免費下載書籍到電腦,雖然是選擇免費書籍,還是得先設好”Buy now with 1-click”的信用卡資訊,把 Deliver to 設定為“Transfer via Computer”而不是“XXX’s Kindle” ,在3G網卡不開啟的情況下,確實不會被發現是國外用戶,但是只要一被發現,Amazon就會請使用者主動聯繫或是變更國家。上述的做法是不需要變更IP的。

假如使用第二個帳號切換,得先建好Amazon Account,且把其中一個帳號的kindle”Deregister”後又用新帳戶去”Register a new kindle”,確實可以再重新下載免費書籍,而且透過電腦USB安裝的書籍也不會消失,但是你會多收一次Kindle User Guide...

綜合上述可以發現Amazon 目前在版權部分有兩個特點,1.書的版權可以保留在原先的kindle內;2.書的版權是可以保留在購買者的帳戶。

請仔細閱讀上面的兩句話,應該就可以理解Amazon ebook的版權原則和使用方式。千萬不要問我怎麼交換有版權要付費的電子書,我不知道~ :P